Debris Conveyor Chain

Debris Conveyor Chain

  • Solves the problem of the collection and removal of cutting water from the previous cutting cycle;
  • Can convey solid debris even large pieces;
  • Reduces costs by reducing maintenance and removing the need to manually clean the bed at frequent intervals.
The debris conveyor chain is positioned across the tail end of all the production beds (at the opposite end from the stressing side).

It collects the cutting water and the debris of the production beds and conveys it into a slurry tank.


Debris conveyor chain
Debris conveyor chain
Water and the debris in the slurry tank
Water and the debris in the slurry tank
Safety grate for debris conveyor chain
Safety grate for debris conveyor chain
Water being collected manually without the debris conveyor chain
Water being collected manually without the debris
Debris conveyor chain
Debris conveyor chain
Nordimpianti System Srl
  • Via Erasmo Piaggio, 19/A
    66100 Chieti (CH) - Abruzzo | Italy
    T. +39 0871 540222
  • PI / VAT No. 01276540687
    • @ 2016 Nordimpianti | All Rights Reserved