Belt Concrete Transporter

Belt Concrete Transporter

  • Easy and cost-effective solution.
The machine is used to supply concrete to the casting machine when there is no overhead crane available.
It travels along the rails of the production bed. The concrete is delivered from the transporter’s hopper to the casting machine’s hopper using a belt conveyor.

The transporter’s hopper is hydraulically lifted during the concrete discharge and lowered for safety reason when the transporter needs to move along the production bed.

The supply to the casting machine can be done from either the front or the back of the machine.


Concrete being supplied to the casting machine
Concrete being supplied to the casting machine
Nordimpianti System Srl
  • Via Erasmo Piaggio, 19/A
    66100 Chieti (CH) - Abruzzo | Italy
    T. +39 0871 540222
  • PI / VAT No. 01276540687
    • @ 2016 Nordimpianti | All Rights Reserved