Concrete Elements

NORDIMPIANTI’s casting machines can produce a large range of prestressed concrete products such as hollow core slabs for flooring and walls, inverted T and I-beams, vineyard posts and lintels, prestressed slabs, U slabs, inverted double T slabs etc.

Prestressed products made by NORDIMPIANTI’s Extruder, Slipformer and Wet Casting machines offer many advantages that make them a success all over the world.

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Despite the low water/cement ratios making the concrete very hard to work NORDIMPIANTI’s machines have no difficulty in consistently forming complex element profiles, ready to be lifted from the production bed within 6-8 hours after casting.
The extruder and slipformer machines enable the user to cast elements with or without prestressing cables but obviously with prestressing comes the cost and ease of use advantages demanded by the civil and industrial construction sector.

Prestressing gives high quality elements with smaller cross sections with a more efficient use of materials. Smaller cross sections mean lighter panels reducing the cost of transport and allowing easy handling both on-site and in the production plant.

Hollow Core Slabs

Hollow core slabs are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed strands...
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Single Hole Beams

Single hole beams are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed wires or...
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Solid Slabs

Solid slabs are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed strands or...
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Inverted T-Beams

Inverted T-Beams are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed wires or...
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Inverted I-Beams

Inverted I-Beams are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed wires or...
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Vineyard Posts

Vineyard posts are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed wires or...
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Lintels are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed wires or single...
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Foundation Piles

Foundation piles are concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They can made using steel reinforcement or high tensile strength prestressed wires...
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Half Slabs

Half slabs are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed strands or...
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Filigree Slabs

Filigree Slabs are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed strands or...
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Inverted double T-Slabs

Inverted double T-Slabs are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed...
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Inverted triple T-Slabs

Inverted triple T-Slabs are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed...
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Inverted double T-Beams

Inverted double T-Beams are prestressed concrete elements that have a particular constant cross section with a thicker lower part and two high vertical ribs....
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U Panels

U Panels are prestressed concrete elements that have a constant cross section. They are manufactured using high tensile strength prestressed strands, wires or...
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Grandstand Panels

In infrastructure hollow core slabs can also be used for the construction of stadium seating. Read Benefits + The possibility to use them in many areas of...
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Nordimpianti System Srl
  • Via Erasmo Piaggio, 19/A
    66100 Chieti (CH) - Abruzzo | Italy
    T. +39 0871 540222
  • PI / VAT No. 01276540687
    • @ 2016 Nordimpianti | All Rights Reserved